I’m a really slow writer like a snail. As for my newest information, please check my SNS. I’m active on Instagram and Facebook because that’s easier to upload.
Instagram is here https://www.instagram.com/mikaotani_flowers/ Instagram ID is mikaotani_flowers
Facebook is here https://www.facebook.com/mika.otani.180
My Ikebana workshop was held for 2 dasy. All participants were pattionate to create and they were working from morning till evening. They are from all Europe, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, France, UK, and so on. I’m really proud of them. They are great artists!
Workshop in Rome for 2 days! Everyone is earnest to learn here and I’m incredibly happy to be here! Concentus Study Group – Ikebana Sogetsu Italia大谷 美香さんの投稿 2019年11月11日月曜日
The name tag for my workshop. Beautiful design created by Lucio Farinelli大谷 美香さんの投稿 2019年11月11日月曜日
My workshop in Rome大谷 美香さんの投稿 2019年11月11日月曜日
Great friendship through flowers Concentus Study Group – Ikebana Sogetsu Italia大谷 美香さんの投稿 2019年11月11日月曜日
I borrowed all containers from him. He is a great potter and I wanted to buy a lot of his vases, but I couldn’t because I had to fly back to Tokyo by airplane. He gave me an awesome tea cup for me as a present. I love this one and I still now arrange Ikebana with this tea cup.
After demo and workshops, I took a walk in Rome for full 1 day. The below photo album is about my sightseeing photos. If you have free time, please enjoy!
Beautiful landscape in Rome….
大谷 美香さんの投稿 2019年11月17日日曜日
ポルチーニリゾットは栗が入っていて、激うま!イカの中に野菜を詰めた一品も最高でした。本当に料理がうまい!食べすぎてしまって苦しくてなっていたら、…大谷 美香さんの投稿 2019年11月17日日曜日
(English follows after…
大谷 美香さんの投稿 2019年11月19日火曜日